Blue Bird Resort, Havelock Isl

Welcome to Blue Bird Resort , Havelock Island , India

Havelock  Island is the largest of the island with area of 113.93 sqkm, Which comprise Ritchie's Archipeago. A chain  of island to the east of Great Andaman Island in the Andaman Nicobar Islands.Havelock is situated 57 Km North East of Capital City Port Blair.

The Population number 5,354 as ot the cuncus of 2011.The Island named after Henry Havelcok a British General active in India.The Island's current population consists of Bengali settlers.It is one of the few places that the administration of the Andaman and Nicobar Island union territory of India has permitted and encouraged development of tourism with a focus on promoting Eco-tourism. 

Our resort is one of the Eco-friendly resorts in Havelock Island. This resort is fully made up of Bamboo and Cane and it is also near by the second beautiful beach in Havelock, the beach no 5.